Trump Hillary

How to save your company from the economy if the “other” candidate wins the Presidency!

Jason Burt

How to save your company from the economy if the “other” candidate wins the Presidency!

Recently the amount of discussions and articles that are available about the presidential race are at an all time high.  The level of interest raises everyday as we inch closer to November and the potential of one of the candidates winning becomes imminent.  The fear and concern is almost deafening as everyone is concerned about the “other” candidate.  Well maybe you are right….maybe the country is about to collapse along with everything you have built?  Now what are you going to do about it?

Problem Solving

Problem Solving

Jason Burt

For Problem Solving success – Have a Bias for Action!

Very often I see clients who are struggling to get any traction going when it comes to problem solving and making those needed small improvements in their business.

When it comes to problem solving, many business owners and executives get stuck in the details. They form committees with 20 members, have meetings and ponder what to do without ever taking action.

So how do you get going very early on with problem solving and your lean journey?

6 Reasons to Start your lean journey

6 Reasons to Start Your Lean Journey Now!

Jason Burt

I have yet to come across a company during my 20 years of lean that could not benefit from the approach Toyota taught me over the years.  The bigger issue is not the fact that the processes and team members need the help, but convincing leadership that they need it.  Leaders often struggle to have the humility to look at their company and simply say “we need help” or specifically “I need help”.  I am here to say that it is ok, and to share some simple reasons as to why it is time to start your lean journey.