Lean Manufacturing

Lean Minute Episode #2

Jason Burt

About Jason Burt

1 Comment

  • Luis Silva
    Luis Silva

    TPS is amazing in that while for production, actually allows for the Human/Employee growth perspective as well. I’ve seen and worked at companies whose short change themselves by only being focused on the Profit and loose sight of their own internal customers and creating that “Safe” space. Reflecting on where I was-professionally when I first saw this posting – to where I am now -further down stream- I’m certainly more forgiving of myself and others-in hindsight- related to leadership missteps that might have been better or could have better supported or impacted a colleague, co worker or team. Apologizes go a very long way, for others and ourselves.
    Great to see this again. No waste when it comes to a great message.
    I’m still headed “North-ish”!
    Would make a Great T shirt!!!

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